Pilot Projects
At La Vega Innova, Pilot Projects are essential to take innovation from concept to execution. These initiatives focus on the implementation and validation of emerging technologies in the agricultural sector. Each pilot project is a case study in itself, providing valuable insights and practical recommendations for the sector. All the information and data generated in the pilot project will be integrated into the La Vega Innova FIWARE platform.

Expose all actors in the agri-food sector to various agrotech technologies, the adoption of which will allow them to improve the productivity and/or management of the farm or agri-food enterprise.

Enable iHub users to benefit from AgriFoodTech solutions with free advice from the Hub team.

The result of the Pilots conducted in the iHub will be a variety of data that will be available “opendata” in the FIWARE platform of La Vega Innova

To learn real experiences of projects conducted in situ, with direct monitoring, and to see their deployment in the field. Contribute to greater sustainability in the agri-food sector, as these are solutions that seek to improve resource efficiency and reduce the carbon footprint.

How can I take part in an active pilot project?
Visiting users of the iHUB will be able to access the results from dedicated platforms in each pilot and from dashboards available on the FIWARE La Vega Innova platform. They will also be able to obtain information on the technology used in each pilot through the mentors. Agro-food technology companies in the iHUB will be able to use the information and data generated to develop new products and services or improve existing ones.

Smart Pivot, our first pilot
The first pilot project to be conducted is the Smart Pivot. The aim is to implement and validate an irrigation recommendation system based on artificial intelligence algorithms for the Centre’s pivot, so that it can indicate when, how much and how to irrigate by irrigation sector. It will use data from weather stations, sensors, geo-positioning of the pivot, vegetation indices from satellite imagery and other available information sources.

Are you interested in testing a technology and proposing it as a possible pilot project?
We invite you to participate through the application form on the La Vega Innova website by submitting ideas that will allow us to validate emerging technologies for future pilot projects. Our team of experts at La Vega Innova will evaluate the submitted ideas based on the requirements of the agri-food sector. The selected idea will be marketed, and the company offering the most innovative and technically feasible solution will be chosen to develop and implement the pilot, receiving a grant in the process.
Excited to propose a pilot project? Go ahead!Frequently asked questions
Do not hesitate to reach out. You can also connect with us through our social channels or our contact form.
Where can I find information about active pilots?
You can find information about active pilots on the La Vega Innova website, which will indicate their duration. A physical space will be set up at La Vega Innova where you can get to know and validate the technologies in use.
Are these services offered free of charge?
Yes, all pilot projects are free for iHUB users, allowing them to validate and test the deployed AgriFoodTech technologies.
Will all pilot projects take place at La Vega Innova’s physical facilities?
Most pilot projects will be conducted at La Vega Innova’s facilities and its experimental farm. However, to cater to the entire agri-food sector, many projects will be associated with other physical locations in Spain. Regardless, all results and applications will be displayed at La Vega Innova’s physical centre.
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