La Vega Innova Logos
Inicio Agrolabs


The Agrolabs aim to showcase new technology for the agri-food sector, such as IoT with NB-IoT cellular connectivity, Artificial Intelligence, specialized SaaS services, Blockchain, etc. by deploying and testing them on-site, creating an environment where various users of La Vega Innova can experiment with different technological solutions firsthand. All information and data generated in the Agrolabs will be integrated into La Vega Innova’s FIWARE platform.


Icono Agrolab

We aim to foster an innovative and experimental ecosystem in the agri-food sector.

Icono Agrolab

This allows agri-food stakeholders to learn about, test, and experiment with new tools that enhance aspects like yield, final production, consumer communication, supply chain management, and other crucial management factors.

Icono Agrolab

We offer a local environment for testing and deploying technology.

Icono Agrolab

The data generated by these projects is integrated into La Vega Innova’s FIWARE platform, promoting information exchange using the same standard and facilitating the development of new Agrotech products or services based on this data.

Técnico observando al microscopio

How can I participate in an active Agrolab?

iHUB visitors can test the technology displayed in the Agrolab and access the results from each Agrolab’s dedicated platforms and the dashboards available on the FIWARE La Vega Innova platform. They can also gather information about the technology used in each Agrolab.
Agro-food technology companies in the iHUB can utilize the generated information and data to develop new products and services or enhance their existing ones.

Active Agrolabs

These concentrate on the issues and challenges of the agri-food sector and the information already available from existing technology at CENCA and CENTER. As such, Agrolabs have proposed IoT technologies with NB-IoT cellular connectivity, artificial intelligence, and blockchain to boost the sector’s efficiency, profitability, and digitalization.

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Agrolab Fertilización inteligente

Smart Fertilization

This involves providing a fertilization recommendation tailored to the specific needs of each crop.

Tecnología fiware

Are you interested in testing a technology and proposing it as a possible agrolab?

We welcome you to share your innovative technological solution ideas for future agrolabs via the form on the La Vega Innova website. Our team of experts at La Vega Innova will evaluate the submitted ideas based on the requirements of the agri-food sector. The chosen idea will then be introduced to the market, and the company that presents the most innovative and technically feasible solution will be selected to develop and implement the agrolab, receiving a grant in the process.

Excited to propose an agrolab? We are all ears!

Frequently asked questions

Do not hesitate to reach out. You can also connect with us through our social channels or our contact form.

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Contact form
  • Where can I find more information about active agrolabs?

    Active agrolabs will be listed on the La Vega Innova website, with their availability duration indicated. A physical space will be set up at La Vega Innova for you to explore and experiment with the deployed technologies.

  • Are these services offered free of charge?

    Yes, all agrolabs are free services offered to iHUB users for validating and testing the deployed AgroTech technologies. .

  • Will all the agrolabs be set up at La Vega Innova’s physical facilities?

    Agrolabs will be set up either at La Vega Innova’s physical location or at the experimental farms of CENCA/CENTER. Regardless of the location, the collected data and dashboards can always be accessed from the Vega Innova facilities, both on the available FIWARE platform and on dashboards and platforms specific to each agrolab.

  • If I participate in an agrolab as an iHUB visitor, will I need to provide personal and sensitive data?

    No. Participation in an agrolab does not require the submission of personal data. If you wish to test the deployed technologies with data from your own farm or agrotech project, we assure complete confidentiality and protection of sensitive data (e.g., plot identification data) and their deletion after the agrolab concludes..

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