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Propelling the Agri-food Sector into the Future with La Vega Innova

presentación startups

The inaugural acceleration programme of La Vega Innova is currently in progress, signifying a landmark in our endeavour to stimulate innovation in the agri-food sector.  We have meticulously chosen a set of promising start-ups to embark on this thrilling journey of transformation and expansion.

At La Vega Innova, we understand that acceleration means not only rapid growth, but also equipping startups with the tools, resources and support they need to scale their solutions effectively and sustainably. Our acceleration programme is thoughtfully designed to assist start-ups in developing and testing their solutions, providing them access to mentors and industry experts, and linking them with potential investors and partners.

The selected start-ups have had the chance to work at our Agrolabs, perfect experimental spaces to test new ideas, learn from errors, and swiftly iterate towards more effective solutions. They have also been able to immerse themselves in the latest industry trends and technologies, including the use of FIWARE technology to develop IoT solutions, data analytics, and cloud applications.

This programme is not just a route to accelerated growth, but also an opportunity to be part of a community of innovators and industry leaders collaborating to solve some of the most significant challenges in the agri-food sector.   

The start-ups launching in this first edition are:

Animal Data


Plant on Demand

Biotech tricopharming research





Entomo Agroindustrial


If you are interested in participating in future editions of our accelerator programme, we encourage you to stay tuned for updates. We are on the lookout for start-ups that are prepared to accelerate their growth and make a substantial impact in the agri-food sector.  

Stay tuned to our upcoming posts for more details on how to apply for our accelerator programme. We are excited to see what you and your start-up can accomplish at La Vega Innova – the future of the agri-food sector begins here!

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