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Inicio Innovation Challenges

Innovation Challenges

We challenge companies in the sector to create agrotechnological solutions that address current industry needs in the form of challenges


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Finding solutions to current challenges in the agri-food sector with the help of new technologies.

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Making the developed solutions accessible to all players in the agri-food sector for everyone’s benefit.

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Integrating the data generated by these projects into La Vega Innova’s FIWARE platform, facilitating information exchange using the same standard and developing new Agrotech products or services based on this data.

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Identifying sector trends that currently lack a specific solution for their application.


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Hackathon Reto AgriFoodTech La Vega Innova

Registration until June 16

La Vega Innova and Telefónica are looking for creative minds to help solve the challenges of the AgriFoodTech future. If the entrepreneurial spirit is your hallmark, we are waiting for you at our first Hackathon.

¿A quién va dirigido?

What is the objective?

The goal of the Open Innovation Challenges is to develop innovative solutions to meet the sector’s needs. The aim is to identify issues affecting the industry and invite the network of companies in the AgriFoodTech sector to find the best solution to meet the need.



Invite interested companies to propose different problems to be solved.


Application processing and problem selection.


Inviting companies to present their solutions..


Application processing, analysis, and selection of finalists. Presentation of the finalists’ solution to a panel of judges and selection of the winning company.


Budget allocation to the winning company. Project execution. Solution monitoring and validation.


Reporting and dissemination of the final product (e.g., press/social media).

Tecnología fiware

Difficulties faced by the challenges.

These challenges focus on economic sustainability in the face of rising resource costs and environmental sustainability, which is significantly affected by the impact of climate change on agriculture (loss of soil richness and structure, scarcity of water resources and adverse weather conditions), not forgetting the digitalisation of the sector, which is at the forefront of today’s agri-food industry.

Frequently asked questions

Do not hesitate to reach out. You can also connect with us through our social channels or our contact form.

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Contact form
  • Who are the challenges aimed at?

    These projects are targeted at all visitors to the iHUB (companies, organisations, researchers, students and all actors in the agri-food sector) who would like to offer solutions to the challenges presented or find out which challenges are being developed and offer a solution.

  • Will the solutions to the proposed innovation challenges be published?

    Yes, the entity that develops the challenge will be required to present the solution, through a presentation or training session at La Vega Innova, to all actors in the agri-food sector who are interested and who could benefit from it..

  • Is it mandatory to develop the challenge at La Vega Innova?

    The company selected to develop a challenge must be physically present at La Vega Innova, although the technical development of the challenge can be carried out remotely, as long as it attends the established follow-up meetings. In addition, the presentation of the solution and training related to it will have to be conducted at the premises of La Vega Innova.

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